PRESS RELEASE – Lacking absolute emissions reduction by 2030, BP’s decarbonisation plan is not Paris-aligned. BP’s transition strategy will not deliver emissions...
press release
Shell’s exit from Russia: decisive near-term action or long-term intention?
March 8 2022
PRESS RELEASE – RESPONSE BY FOLLOW THIS Today, Shell announced [its] intent to withdraw from Russian oil and gas in a press release. “We commend Shell’s ability to...
Shell still not reporting investments in renewable energy; around 90% in fossil fuels
February 3 2022
– PRESS RELEASE – More than four years after Shell announced its intention to join the energy transition, Shell is still not reporting how much the company is...
Chevron boasts about its growing fossil fuel production like there was no shareholder majority vote for emissions reductions
January 28 2022
PRESS RELEASE Chevron “grew [production] to a record 3.10 million barrels per day” and “added proved reserves” the company boasts in a press release about its Fourth Quarter...
ExxonMobil’s new net zero goal ignores the elephant in the room
January 20 2022
On January 18th, ExxonMobil announced its ambition for net zero emissions for operations (Scope 1 and 2) by 2050. In May, the Follow This climate resolution –...
Investor briefing
December 13 2021
2021 was a watershed year for climate votes at Big Oil; investors must escalate pressure in 2022 to reach the Paris Accord What a year. In May, an unprecedented number of...
BP and Shell ignore UK corporate governance code
December 2 2021
PRESS RELEASE BP and Shell fail to report “actions taken” after shareholder rebellion on product emissions (Scope 3) Code requires companies to report on “actions taken”...
Shell seeking to move headquarters to the UK is no surprise
November 15 2021
Response of Follow This Shell wants to move over to one kind of share on the London stock market. This is no surprise; Shell has already wanted a simpler structure with only...
Short- and long-term activists disagree over Shell’s future, Shell announces new targets
October 28 2021
Response of Follow This to call for breakup of Shell by activist fund Third Point AND response to Shell’s new target Activist fund Third Point called for the breakup of...
Largest Dutch pension fund suddenly loses trust in climate policies of fossil fuel companies
October 26 2021
PRESS RELEASE ABP to divest from fossil fuels within 1.5 years In an abrupt U-turn, pension fund ABP (asset manager: APG) announced plans to sell all assets in fossil fuel...
Shell will increase emissions by 4% by 2030, new research by Global Climate Insights shows
October 22 2021
PRESS RELEASE Shell is on a collision course with ‘Paris’ and court ruling to decrease emissions by 45% by 2030 The findings contradict Dutch court ruling to decrease...
Chevron responds to Follow This climate resolution with disappointing target
October 11 2021
Chevron set a target to reduce the carbon intensity of its operations and products (Scope 1,2, and 3) by 5% by 2028 Thanks to 61% of investors’ votes for the Follow...
Chevron keeps majority of shareholders waiting for emission reductions
September 14 2021
US oil major disregards the elephant in the room: the CO2 emissions of its products (Scope 3), despite the votes of 61% of their shareholders The company said it will...
Follow This: “fossil fuel companies advocating a slow transition lose all climate credibility”
August 9 2021
Follow This response to the IPCC report “This report strips oil majors that advocate for a slow transition of all climate credibility. Oil major CEOs who claim to be part of...
BP doesn’t revise climate strategy, despite shareholders’ rebellion at AGM
August 4 2021
– PRESS RELEASE – BP still expects its emissions to grow this decade – in collision course with ‘Paris’ that demands substantial reductions BP...
92% votes for Total’s inhouse climate resolution proves the necessity of shareholder climate resolutions
May 28 2021
– PRESS RELEASE with response Follow This – Today at Total’s AGM, 92% of shareholders voted for Total’s inhouse climate resolution, that supports Total’s current...
61% of Chevron shareholders support Follow This climate resolution
May 26 2021
– PRESS RELEASE – Activist group Follow This wins third consecutive Big Oil ballot in US Global investors demand urgent emissions reductions Follow This wins...
Majority votes for activist climate proposal by Follow This for the second time
May 12 2021
PRESS RELEASE Phillips66 shareholders request concrete emission reduction targets. An undisclosed majority of shareholders in Phillips66 approved the climate proposal by...
Support for Follow This climate resolution more than doubles, despite BP’s claims to be Paris-aligned
May 12 2021
PRESS RELEASE Investors urge BP to reduce emissions this decade. A significant number of shareholders (20.7%, up from 8.4% in 2019) voted in favour of the Follow This...
58% of ConocoPhillips shareholders vote for Follow This climate proposal
May 11 2021
PRESS RELEASE Majority backs emission reduction targets in historic vote for Follow This climate proposal. 58% of ConocoPhillips shareholders vote for activist climate...
Symposium summary: Urgency & Agency
April 23 2021
Oil majors urgently need to change course. Investors have the agency to compel them to do so by voting for climate resolutions. Watch the symposium here or read the key...
SEC grants shareholders the right to vote on emission reductions at Chevron
April 8 2021
PRESS RELEASE Climate proposal requests Chevron “to substantially reduce the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of their energy products” A breakthrough in the fight against...
Shell and ExxonMobil looking for billions in subsidies for carbon capture and storage (CCS)
November 16 2020
MEDIA UPDATE “As long as these fossil companies are not making large-scale investments in renewable energy, CCS is no more than an excuse for business as usual.” Today the...
Big Oil Reality Check
October 2 2020
Despite green promises, not a single oil major has targets that are aligned with the Paris Climate Agreement. This is the conclusion of a report from Oil Change...
Global investors’ alliance adopts Follow This climate targets
September 14 2020
PRESS RELEASE ClimateAction100+, a global investors’ alliance whose members include BlackRock, has embraced the principles set by green shareholders’ group Follow This in...
BP to cut production by 40% by 2030
August 4 2020
PRESS RELEASE BP is first oil major to truly change course BP’s oil and gas production will decline by 40% by 2030 [compared to 2019], the company announced today. Follow...
Investors urge Total to set Paris-aligned targets
May 29 2020
PRESS RELEASE AGM season closes with a third shareholders’ rebellion over non-committal “climate ambitions”, following Shell and Equinor Total has failed to deter...
BP also can’t confirm its emissions will be down by 2030
May 27 2020
PRESS RELEASE This AGM season Follow This is asking every oil major whether its climate ambition for 2050 will lead to a (net) absolute emissions reduction by 2030 and a...
Total’s AGM will reveal a schism in French investor community between “act on climate” and “a good relationship”
May 27 2020
Media briefing about climate resolution at Total (for French journalists) In France, like in every country where an oil major faces a climate resolution, a schism will be...
Support for Follow This climate resolution Shell more than doubles to 14.4%
May 19 2020
Shell retreats with non-committal “new ambition” for 2050 A substantial body of investors has urged Shell to take concrete action by setting concrete targets to reduce...
27% for Follow This climate resolution at Equinor
May 15 2020
PRESS RELEASE Votes for Follow This climate resolution at Equinor double to 27%, despite company’s new climate ambitions Follow This climate targets resolution received 27%...
For the first time, ISS advises shareholder to vote FOR Follow This climate targets resolutions (at Equinor and Shell)
May 13 2020
MEDIA BRIEFING At Shell, ISS’s sustainable advice if FOR, ISS’s standard advice is AGAINST At Equinor, both ISS’s sustainable and standard advices are FOR Shell will answer...
Shell won’t guarantee shareholders that new climate ambition leads to emissions reductions by 2030
May 13 2020
Press release Despite its new ambition, Shell couldn’t guarantee that its new climate ambition will lead to the necessary actions to achieve the Paris Climate Agreement, in...
Total and CA100+ respond to climate targets resolution
May 5 2020
PRESS RELEASE Total and CA100+ announced a new climate ambition today. No Paris-aligned targets, no shift in investments to renewables “At first sight, Total’s new ambition...
Press release – Equinor cuts dividend and rejects shareholder support on climate targets
April 23 2020
PRESS RELEASE Board advises shareholders to vote against Follow This climate resolution Resolution requests targets for the reduction of product emissions (Scope 3)...
New ambition Shell falls short of Paris goal
April 16 2020
PRESS RELEASE Board rejects opportunity for shareholder support on climate targets Shell’s directors advise shareholders to vote against the Follow This climate resolution...
Climate targets resolution at Total
April 15 2020
PRESS RELEASE Paris-aligned targets for all emissions (Scope 1,2, and 3) become mainstreamA coalition of institutional investors announced today that they have filed a...
BP and Follow This agree to work towards a climate resolution for 2021
March 27 2020
PRESS RELEASE Follow This withdraws climate resolution for 2020 AGM BP and Follow This have agreed to collaborate in drafting a climate resolution for 2021, they announced...
Shell will make plan for the energy transition
June 29 2017
June 29th 2017 – Shell announced today that the oil- and gas company will make a plan for the energy transition towards a net-zero emission energy system. “I agree...
- Top van BP nog verder onder druk na tegenvallende winst
- BP lacks strategic clarity due to a discrepancy between words and actions
- Shell riskeert toekomst met olie- en gasinvesteringen
- Follow This: ‘Het bestuur brengt de toekomst van Shell in gevaar door de energietransitie te negeren’
- Shell invests only 12% in renewables despite the imminence of peak oil
- Shell investeert slechts 12% in duurzame energie ondanks naderende ‘peak oil’