Watch Mark van Baal discuss the Follow This climate proposal at the Shell AGM 2022

At Shell’s Annual General Meeting, Shell CEO Ben van Beurden still refuses to commit to absolute emissions reduction targets.

According to institutions like the IPCC, IEA, and the Dutch District Court of The Hague, absolute emissions need to fall by approximately 45% in 2030 in order to meet the Paris Agreement.  However, Van Beurden claims that a mere 20% tensity reduction target is “fully aligned with Paris”.

All assets are at risk due to devasting climate change. That’s why we, together with shareholders who voted in favour of our climate proposal, will convince other shareholders that Big Oil should change course. And they will only do so when investors vote in favour of climate proposals requesting science-based emissions reduction targets.

Watch the discussion between Ben van Beurden and Mark van Baal here.


